TriviOTC is a  native gamified health application created for Menarini.

It aims to train pharmacists and other health professionals. Oral, child and digestive health were the main games the players had to play with. The objective was to train 22,000 pharmacies around Spain. It contains a set of gaming tools such as points, lives, challenges, rankings badges and rewards to motivate and encourage learning. 


the process

research & personas

Three types of persona were identified. The owner of the pharmacy, the pharmacist manager responsible for a group/team and the pharmacist itself. All these users were placed in different scenarios to achieve realistic goals and needs.


One of the initial steps of the design process was to categorise each content category and create a structural framework that would be flexible to support all users needs.


Once the basic information architecture was settled, it was time to sketch different interactive ways for customers to navigate. We created a series of sketches and white board brainstorms of different layouts.



Each structural layout was organised into spatial layouts. These enabled the team to see the whole system at once and served as a way to ground our conversations and debates about how content should be organised.


the games 

Once the structure and main interaction of the application was settled, we moved onto the main games. The games went through various visual and interactive re-designs and we worked hard on the fine details regarding the game modes and feedbacks. I created the interaction, animations and illustrations of two of the three main games.



Specifications were delivered to engineers to communicate the interactive parts of the experience. It then evolved into a continual back and forth conversation to get the product to where it is today. 


the final solution

The following is what we ended up shipping for version 1: